Coaching Agreement
Welcome to LiLuna Coaching, thank you for your interest in coaching. This agreement is intended to provide important information to you regarding the services you are signing up for. Please read this entire document careful and be sure to ask your coach an questions you might have regarding its contents.
Coaching Services
As your Coach, you can expect me to: Support you in setting goals; Encourage you to care for yourself so you are able to be the best you; Work as a team to overcome perceived challenges; Provide careful listening with honest feedback; Respect the confidentiality of this agreement and what is shared in our sessions.
The Session
On-line coaching sessions are 60 minutes in length, meeting face-to-face in person or video through Simple Practice. Ongoing price, day/time will be discussed at the end of our initial intake.
Payment Procedures
Coaching services ARE NOT covered by insurance. You will not be able to bill your insurance company for reimbursement. The first coaching session will begin after this agreement is signed and when payment is received through a check, or through SimplePractice. When paying through SimplePractice you will be automatically billed at midnight the day of the session.
Appointment Scheduling and Cancellation
A 24-hour advanced notice is required if you must cancel or reschedule your appointment. Your Coach's policy is to charge for missed appointments at the rate of $165. This policy is created to allow for effective scheduling and to ensure all clients wishing to be seen may be accommodated. Please help me to serve you by notifying me as soon as possible if you must change or cancel your appointment.
Occasionally I may have situations in which I will need to cancel a session (illness, personal or family emergency). I will do my best to give you advanced notice and try to reschedule when possible. You will not he charged for sessions that I need to cancel due to any of these circumstances Typically, I am out of the office one week in February, June, September, the week of Thanksgiving, and the week of New Years. You will be given a 2 weeks notice if I will be out of the office for any other scheduled reason including trainings, conferences, or personal vacation time.
If, at any time you feel your needs are not being met or your are not getting what you want out of the coaching, please tell me so we can discuss your needs and adjust your coaching program, as needed.
Confidentiality and Informed Consent
I protect the confidentiality of all my clients. Breaches of confidentiality, in which I am obligated to report confidential information, are specific in only two instances:
1. If I have information that indicates that a child, elderly or disabled person is being abused or neglected, I am obligated by law to report this information to the appropriate local agencies for the protection of that person.
2. If a client is in imminent risk to him/herself or makes threats of imminent violence against another person. I am required by law to report this to the appropriate local agencies tor protective action. Though these situations rarely occur in coaching, when and it the do occur, I will communicate in advance an necessary and legally obligated protective action that I may take.
Either party may terminate the coaching relationship for any reason by providing the other party with a one-week written notice, which may be transmitted by email.
Coaching Commitment
1. As the coach, my job is to further build on and develop the skills and knowledge you already possess and to assist you in decisions about making changes. I will be honest, direct, and at times challenge you in ways that might feel uncomfortable.
2. As the client, you will set the direction and focus of the coaching sessions and to determine how much change you are able or willing to make. You will be expected to be forthcoming about your progress and to speak up and discuss concerns should the coaching relationship not be meeting your expectations.
3. Coaching does not offer an guarantee of success or definitive changed behavior however, the more one is committed to their personal work and growth the more beneficial and successful this process can be.
4. I use mindfulness as the basis of my work and most sessions will involve a grounding technique. Some sessions will be mostly focused on body awareness. This is to support you in understanding how emotions show up in your body. Mindfulness will help you in becoming more aware of the patterns you are creating and sustaining in your life that are causing you pain and suffering. I am certified in Accelerated Evolution and will often use these techniques to support your growth.
Client Commitment
As the client, confirming below:
- I agree to be on time for each session. Each session will last up to 60 minutes. It is good to schedule some quiet, reflective time for myself after each session.
- I agree to be in a private comfortable space free of distractions for each session. I will turn off all electronics, except the device I am using for the session.
- I agree to have water, my journal (or something to write notes on) and pen with me for each session.
- I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well being during my coaching journey, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.
- I understand that my level of commitment and participation will directly impact my results and my success.
- I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals. I have the ability to give my informed consent, and hereby give such consent to my Coach to assist me in achieving such goals.
- I understand that whatever is said in a session, stays in the session and will not be shared with anyone without my permission, unless my coach feels that what is discussed will be of harm to me or someone else. Information that cannot be kept confidential because of applicable laws or statutes will not be kept confidential.
- I understand coaching sessions are not an alternative to professional help, medical, psychiatric or psychological diagnosis, treatment or advice. This coaching journey is not intended to substitute to professional medical advice. I will never disregard professional clinical advice and never delay seeking it because of anything l experience in a coaching session.
- When possible, I will meet at a park, or somewhere other than an office. Please note I am not responsible for any injury that occurs during these out of office sessions.
- I agree to not share the materials and format of this program.
* By agreeing to this coaching agreement, you acknowledge that you have read the information contained in this document and fully understand its content; and indicates your assent to the terms of The Agreement; and signifies your assurance that you will abide by its terms during our professional coaching relationship. Please ask your coach to address any questions or concerns that you have about this information before you agreed to agreement.